Thursday, April 25, 2013

#26 - 99 Names of God

The Compassionate, Life-Taker, Acceptor of Repentance and Infinitely Patient are four names that I think are used a lot when God is being referenced. For God to be compassionate, he cares about us. Whether we are in a good or bad situation, God cares even if we do not know it. Psalm 145:8, says, “The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Through everything we do or say that can go against God or what he wants us to accomplish, it takes a lot for him to be upset at us but in spite, God is filled with love for us even during the challenging times of our lives.
            God has our lives in out hands at all the time. As humans, we like to take control of our lives so we can make it of what we want but ultimately, God knows our past, present and especially our future. He with the help of our parents brought us into this world. God being call the Life-Take is not abnormal because we are his children. Besides that: “So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves” Then God said, “Let the earth, each according to its kind; and it was so.  Then God said, Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness… So God created man in His own image”. God has everything under control, even though some people might not believe it. He created everything and gave animals and us life so he is going to care of us regardless. We are under his protection and God is with us everyday.
            Luke 17:4 said, “If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him”. God wants us to forgive each other for what we have done. No human is perfect except for God. All of us sin because its natural and It comes with living in a world we live in not. However, when we sin, God wants us to come and talk to him to ask for forgiveness. He is called the Acceptor of Repentance a lot of times because he is open and understanding to the fact that we all make mistakes and sin; talking to God and asking for repentance is big because we are accepting our faults to him.
            Infinitely Patient as it states in 2 Peter 3:9, “Lord is not slow to fulfill hi promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that nay should perish, but that all should reach repentance”. Patience is definitely a virtue. When we know we want something, but cannot have it right away, we get frustrated, anxious and impatient. Well, God does not want for us to be impatient. God is known as “Infinitely Patient” because he will answer our need and wants in a timely manner because he knows when they should come at the right time. Honestly, if we could have what we want when we want it, some people would be happy. However, being patient and waiting on God to allow the things you want to come your way, works out for the better. Also, he will wait on us for when we go to Heaven and when we decide to ask for forgiveness.
            All four of these names are a few of the ninety-nine names that I have known for God to be recognized as. Each of them are linked in a way because they just fit together. They refer to the same God. He is everything, when we need something or want to talk to someone he is there, the compassionate. He is compassionate because he gave everything and us on this Earth life. We are under his protection and guidance helping us to move forward. He is compassionate and the life-taker and knows in this life that people sin. Nobody’s perfect so when we sin, we ask God for forgiveness. But sometimes, asking for forgiveness can be hard; however, God is patient when we want to come to him and willing to listen to us all the time. So, the God being compassionate, acceptor of repentance, infinitely patient is all in him because of the life he gave to us.

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